Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"any way you want it, that's the way you need it...any way you want it!"

So I remember when I first decided this blog how I was SO excited because it was going to be another thing for me to enjoy and have fun with...don't get me wrong friends...I LOVE it...so much fun to blog :) but, if you only knew that amount of time it takes! Plus, I am one of those people who literally wants to make her entries as DETAILED as possible so take forever! So therefore, because I literally never have any free time, updating, get's significantly challenging.

So much going on in my world right now. Working on a songwriting project, continuing to audition, trying to spend the majority of my summertime with family and friends as I have been able to do that these past 5-6 months...and getting very excited that I am getting close to being a legal adult! I am so excited to really get my life going and learn to be on my own and learn more about this world and how I can truly love it...

There is just endless possibilites of what I want to do...and I plan on conquering each and every one of them :) I promise to update a bit more over these next few months....thanks so much for continuing to read and for all the support!


ps. attatched are some recent photos of my life and a video of me singing an original song at a graduation!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

"...and this is what dreams are made of..."

wow. last updated May 5th? my life is seriously insane...

between working, finishing school, family, friends, checking my emails, getting sleep, taking care of myself, traveling, singing at graduations, songwriting...my word! so much to do, and so little time.

anyways, only on for a short update. this past month has truly been a whirlwind and I am stunned that it is already June...I am turning 17 tomorrow! :) YAY!

headed down to West Hollywood Villa Event tonight...:)

have a great summer all!
