Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Change In Me

Hi there!

I hope you all had an amazing, and somewhat relaxing three-day weekend and are enjoying the start to your short week! I am headed back home to LA tomorrow afternoon, and it is definitely bittersweet...although it's been crazy here, it has been an incredible visit that I wouldn't give back for the world...being home reminded me of what a lucky girl I am to have such inspirational people behind me and in my life...I am truly so grateful!

In light of that, I would really like to instill in you all that I really take your support to heart, more than absolutely means the world to me...there is absolutely NO way I could be doing what I am doing without the support of you all. But even more, I want to encourage you all to believe that I love Denver and I think it has beyond wonderful talent to offer, so please do not get me wrong when I say that I am excited and thrilled to be out of no way do I mean that this "state is not big enough for me" or that "if you actually have talent, you need to go somewhere else"...there just comes a time in some of our lives when we need a little more splatter paint on the canvas we call life...where we need more adventure, more excitement, and this whole experience and getting out of Denver is something I need to do for me personally in order to find out exactly where I want to be, and what I want to be doing. I just want to encourage you all that in no way shape or form do I EVER mean to put anyone down by saying that I am excited to be out of Denver...I hope that explained a little bit of where I am at right now.

Following that, I also want to encourage you all to go after what you want...but don't be nervous to return home if it is not what you thought you wanted. Do I love LA? Yes. Have I dreamed of going out and pursuing what I love? Yes. But do I miss Denver every day I am gone? Absolutely. Do I miss the people who support me and the little things in Denver I used to take for granted? More than ever. But I am learning lessons, and coming across realizations that I never would have come across had I not gone...I guess what I am trying to say is that it's scary...and we often think we are ready long before we are...but the trying is what matters...finding that faith and strength to keep going and finding out exactly who you want to be. And in sight of it all, never forget the people who have gotten you here...the people who have believed in you endlessly and pushed you to dream...

I guess I am a bit conflicted at the moment. I have an incredible opportunity...but it may not be what I want right now...maybe I just want to be in Denver and enjoy being a young adult with a nanny job, and performing in incredible local productions? Who knows! I have a lot of decisions to make in the next few days...I was not planning to write a blog about this, however, I feel that the people in support of me deserve to know what I am thinking and what I am trying to figure out...

Once again, I appreciate your support and hope all is well! Keep in touch!


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