Thursday, January 14, 2010

One more day...

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.."

Well tomorrow is the day!! I ran some last minute errands today in preparation of the big 3-day road trip, and now am almost done packing...FINALLY! It all finally feels real...and I am more excited than ever.

I want to take the time right now to thank everyone who has ever believed in me...and for supporting me as I go after my will be the ones I remember when I am living it. Please keep in touch and I will blog tomorrow about our progress on the road trip!



  1. Always ... always believe in your .... your heart, your spirit, your talent. GET OUT THERE AND KICK ASS BAILS! oxoxo

  2. I ALWAYS will...and a big thanks to you for that :) I am on my way and more ready than ever! xoxo
